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We have 2 iconic ‘Best Buddies’ now available for viewing in the Gallery.

The image of ‘Best Buddies’ is one of Harings most iconic works and is instantly recognisable around the world. The motif first appeared in 1987 and depicts 2 figures hugging, with rays emanating from their embrace. Like many of Harings iconic motifs it is uncomplicated, viewers can then create their own interpretations of the scene. Haring gave permission for this motif to be reproduced as he believed, “…the point of making art is to communicate and contribute to culture.” Keith Haring

To view these iconic works and others now available by Keith Haring click here


Charles Gilmore Gallery
1 Lanyon Quay
Oxford Street

+44 (0)28 90311666

We are situated at Lanyon Quay, fronting Oxford Street, opposite the Belfast Law Courts and a two minute walk from Victoria Square.

Gallery Opening Hours
Monday – Thursday 10am – 5pm
Friday 10am – 4pm
Saturday by appointment

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